Monday, May 25, 2009

La Planeta De Los Apes

Out of all of the movies I have seen during the school year (woefully few) this would have to be my favorite. Astonishingly I had not seen Planet before and although I had seen Spaceballs I had never fully understood the ending scene until recently. This has been the first movie I've watched in scool that I have considered renting before it was finished in class. But I digress. The Secular Humanism worldview can be seen mostly in the thoughts that Taylor and the scientists express, that there is no god and that ultimatly man (ape) determine their own future. I find that this will probably be my favorite movie during our festival.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stranger Then Fiction

Well I don't think that this movie fulfilled my expectations, I thought it would be funnier than it turned out to be. Be that as it may I found the movie to be sufficiently Postmodern. Although I do not remember any specific quotes I do find it interesting that the key message behind the film is that you do not control your own destiny, a key Postmodern concept. Other than that I found the watch to be a very interesting part of the plot especially the ending which, although I should have seen it coming I was not expecting.